Here’s how to make your new start at work easier and less stressful.
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Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Today I’m going to share 4 ways you can make your new start easier, whether it be a new role, a promotion or simply a new project.
By trying out these ideas you can start to succeed much earlier than before.
Unfortunately, most people continue with the same habits and approaches that they've followed for years.
People are afraid of change
There are several other reasons that people don't try out new ideas:
They assume they know what is required
They have worked in a role like this in the past
Their many years of experience position them to succeed
Their existing network is the right one to carry them forward
But you need to refresh your mindset and your approach if you want to accelerate.
Here are 4 ideas that you can implement when you start something new.
Idea 1: Change your perspective
Change your perspective on what’s important in your role to make sure you are focussed on the right things.
There’s an easy way to do this.
People overlook the importance of asking and learning from the people around them.
You should avoid making the same mistake by asking your new colleagues “What would you do if you were me when starting this new role?”.
Then choose from the best recommendations.
I shared more about this approach in edition 1 of The Career Compass.
You’ll see an impact earlier than if you were to go through the process on your own.
Idea 2: Accelerate your learning
Even with great advice from key people around you, any new role will require some element of learning.
You’ll need to learn new systems, processes and technical aspects of the role.
But you can accelerate your learning by sharing the shortcuts used by others.
Ask your peers for their most important lessons, tricks, and tools.
For example, when I was a management consultant, I used to have a PowerPoint plugin tool that helped me save hours of boring editing and formatting.
I got that tool from someone else and it changed my work output immeasurably.
Most people try and find the shortest route to a solution.
Ask others for their shortcuts to accelerate your learning.
Idea 3: Connect with key stakeholders
Networks and teams are crucial to success in any role.
When you step into something new, it’s a good time to review your existing network and whether it is fit for purpose.
You may need to connect with new leaders, gatekeepers and influencers.
Who are they? How do they like to work? Who are their trusted allies?
Building the right team around you will help you achieve so much more than you could on your own.
And if you decide you need to build a new professional community, you can read this short guide to learn how.
Idea 4: Develop your brand
A new role is a perfect opportunity for you to refresh your personal brand.
You don’t necessarily need to bring your old brand with you.
So how do you want people to think about you?
Establish your expertise, value, distinctive qualities, and what you're famous for.
A new role is a great time to reinvent yourself and you should take advantage of this opportunity.
Your brand should continue to evolve throughout your career.
This is your next opportunity to make the latest enhancement.
Change perspective
Accelerate your learning
Connect with key stakeholders
Develop your brand and establish your reputation
Try these ideas out and you’ll shortcut your path to success.
Good luck!
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Thanks, Jamie